Analysis of Energy and Protein Intake with Nutritional Status of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients with Hemodialysis at Harapan and Doa Regional Hospital, Bengkulu City

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Retno Anggini
Desri Suryani
Okdi Natan


Background:Chronic kidney disease is a global public health priority that continues to grow and is associated with high morbidity rates and is the third fastest growing cause of death in the world and the fifth leading cause of death. Malnutrition often occurs in end-stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Malnutrition is caused by catabolic events during the hemodialysis process.

Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze energy intake, protein and nutritional status of chronic kidney failure patients on hemodialysis at Harapan and Doa Regional Hospital, Bengkulu City.

Materials/Methods: Explanatory research type, with a cross sectional approach. The study population was all chronic kidney failure sufferers who underwent hemodialysis at Harapan and Doa Hospital, Bengkulu City in June-July 2023. Data were collected by interviews and anthropometric measurements, 3x24 hour recall forms and SGA forms and from patient medical records. Data processing was carried out using univariate tests.

Result:This study shows that 98% of respondents' energy intake before hemodialysis had insufficient energy intake (< 80%) and 2% had sufficient energy intake (80), protein intake before hemodialysis 92% protein intake is less (< 80%) during hemodialysis and after hemodialysis 85% with less protein intake (< 80%), nutritional status of chronic kidney failure patients with hemodialysis good nutritional status (SGA score A), namely (54%) lack of protein intake, poor/moderate nutritional status (SGA B score), namely (43%), poor nutritional status (SGA C score), namely (3%).

Conclusion:The conclusion of this study is that energy intake, protein and nutritional status in chronic kidney failure patients on hemodialysis are still lacking. Therefore, increasing intake needs to be done by paying attention to the patient's nutritional status

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How to Cite
Retno Anggini, Desri Suryani, & Okdi Natan. (2023). Analysis of Energy and Protein Intake with Nutritional Status of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients with Hemodialysis at Harapan and Doa Regional Hospital, Bengkulu City. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(10), 2401–2406.


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